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Please keep checking back to this site, the List of Online / Phone Meetings at the Annapolis Area Intergroup, or your local group's information sources for updates. Additional valuable resources can be found at MarylandAA.org


A.A. Preamble

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their  experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

Reprinted with permission of the A.A. Grapevine, Inc.


District 42's planned activities and events, efforts toward accommodating A.A. members and visitors with special needs, and a list of the Groups making up District 42, appear on their respective pages in this Website. 


The A.A. groups in District 42 hold a district meeting at 7:00 PM on the second Tuesday of each month, via Zoom. For more info, see the Activities/Events page.




Our District

The groups in District 42 speak through the district to Maryland General Service (Area 29 of Alcoholics Anonymous) both individually and with a unified and coherent voice having far more clarity and impact than when speaking one at a time.

District 42 serves A.A. groups located in an area from Crofton and Gambrills West to Jessup and Hanover, East to Crownsville, and North to Fort Meade.

District 42 is a part of Maryland Area 29 and much more information can be found on the Area 29 website


Current Topics of Interest

Lately, there has been much discussion and interest in how AA members should maintain the tradition of anonymity in a world where social media has become such a large part of daily life.  For a look into this topic, and how AA sees some of the aspects of it, please follow this link to the "Anonymity Online" handout on the AA.Org website.

District Elections

Elections for District 42 service positions are held every two years.  District 42 jobs present a terrific opportunity for you or someone you sponsor.  You can come to any District 42 monthly meeting and volunteer for a position, or email dcm@mdaadistrict42.org for more information. 


Latest District 42 Election Results

Congratulations to District 42's new trusted servants elected at the November 2019 monthly meeting:

District Committee Member (DCM) - Mark S.

Alternate DCM - ( To Be Determined ).

Secretary - Nicole H.

Treasurer - Christine V.

Grapevine Representative - Roland D.


Recent (post Covid) Meeting Updates:


District Support

The district is supported by voluntary contributions from the groups it serves.  Groups distribute their contributions between district, area , the A.A. General Service Office (GSO), and intergroup, according to their own group conscience.

After rent, expenses, and prudent reserves, suggested contributions are as follows:


Group Treasurers :

Please use this "Clip and Send" form to ensure your contributions go to the right place and your group gets proper credit. PLEASE SEE THE FORM FOR ON-LINE CONTRIBUTION INFO TOO!

For more details on how to distribute your group's contributions, see Suggested Distribution of Group Contributions.

If you prefer, contributions for District 42 may be given to your GSR to pass on to the District 42 treasurer.


The District Committee Member

The District Committee Member (DCM) chairs the monthly district meeting.  The General Service Representative (GSR) from each group served by the district attends the meeting, along with the chair of each committee that the district may form and any A.A. member who wishes to attend.  The DCM, GSRs, and committee chairs discuss issues affecting the district and its groups, plan district projects and activities, and prepare the DCM to speak for the groups at Area Assemblies and Area Committee meetings.

The DCM can be reached by email at dcm@mdaadistrict42.org , or write to:

District 42
P.O. Box 3161
Crofton, MD 21114

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